Background to 3rd Kingston

3rd Kingston Scout Group was founded on June 13th 1913, with Cubs starting on 21st May 1919. Its original meeting place was at the All Saints' Mission Hall in Wood Street, near Bentalls.

In 1928, after much fund raising, we opened our own headquarters. This site was then compulsorily purchased and demolished by Surrey County Council in 1966 to make way for the current Crown Court.

The current Headquarters, built by McAlpine's as a tribute to 3rd Kingston Scouting was officially opened by Mr Rowan Bentall on March 10th 1973. It boasts two large halls, a chapel (probably fairly unique), kitchen, committee rooms/offices, male and female toilets, stores and a garage.

The Group first admitted girls into the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in 1992; one of the first Groups in the (then) Kingston & Malden District to do so. Today, both girls and boys are equally welcome.




What is Scouting?


In short ......

'Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to girls and boys aged 6 to 25 across the UK. We have a positive impact on young people, our adult volunteers and the communities in which we live.'

 The Scout Association in the UK provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for 400,000 young people aged between 6-25 from every faith and background. Internationally, there are over 28 million young people enjoying Scouting across 216 countries. 

The Fundamentals of Scouting are summarised in three parts; Purpose, Method and Values.

Our Purpose: Scouting is that it exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Our Method: Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and ...

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors
  • learn by doing
  • share in spiritual reflection
  • take responsibility and make choices
  • undertake new and challenging activities
  • make and live by their Promise

 Our Values: As Scouts we are guided by these values:

  • Integrity. We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal
  • Respect. We have self-respect and respect for others
  • Care. We support others and take care of the world in which we live
  • Belief. We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes
  • Co-operation. We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends

In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are 'learning by doing', when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.